S8OT Montreal August 16th 2014

By Section 8 Chicago (other events)

Saturday, August 16 2014 6:30 PM 8:30 PM EDT

CHICAGO FIRE @ Montreal  Saturday Aug 16, 6:30 pm LOCAL TIME

L'Impact (pronounced "Limp Act") host our beloved Men in Red in the first of three Battle of the Franks for this year's MLS regular season.  This time - it's up in Montreal.


Tickets are $25 (US) and we will be seated in Section 112.

Stadium Seating:

Stadium Directions:

On the day of the match, a Section 8 representative will distribute your ticket(s) at a predetermined location - time and exact location TBD.

We will email you the location and other relevant information for away travelers a few days before the match.